Like many we mourn the recent death of the brilliant theoretical physicist Stephen Hawking. Few people emerge from the fields of cosmology and theoretical physics with the sort of name recognition equal to that of a celebrity athlete or actor, but that’s exactly what’s happened with Stephen Hawking. Most Stephen Hawking fans don’t even know what he was talking about. Some of those that do, only pretend to understand it – the rest don’t care because they assume he’s so smart no one can understand him.

Part of our respect for Stephen Hawking’s views is because they remind us that we live in a challenging world that changes continually – and this resonates with our world of IBM System21 where challenges are continual, change is a constant and a detailed knowledge and understanding of the systems is needed to  keep up with changes. Changes that can be both costly and demanding on your technical resources. Keeping systems up to date in the changing world of Sytem21 plus accommodating the changes being experienced in areas such as finance, manufacturing processes and system reliability sometimes mean you may need a helping hand.

We may not be a brilliant in cosmology or theoretical physics as Stephen Hawking but in the world of System21 IMS developers are all experts in their field and we are looking forward to helping you whenever needed to adapt to the changes in your System21 requirements.