Human error has a well-documented history of causing data breaches. In fact 52 percent of companies in a 2015 survey said it was the leading cause behind data breaches. More specifically, respondents for that study identified “end user failure to follow policies and procedures” and “general carelessness” as the top examples of human error.

We absolutely appreciate that in a busy and demanding environment there may be no time to audit regularly for system changes. That is why this Autumn we are offering a free security audit to allow us to check the integrity of your system and advise you of any changes needed. We are also happy to do the changes needed for you.

In a recent project IMS have experienced first-hand the harm that can be caused by security breaches. One of the main security risks identified in our recent project was users with the wrong level of access, risking inadvertent changes to the system, and creating a high risk of both data corruption and inadvertent system downtime. This was in a large part due to old employees who had left the organisation or whose roles had changed but who still had security access enabled.

We believe the risks to your business run beyond access security. System resilience, backup effectiveness and the availability of backup power alternatives (UPS) are all critical to the smooth operation of your business and we are therefore willing to provide for a special reduced fee of £300  a half day site survey to run concurrently to your iSeries Audit to review and identify any security risks within your organisation.


What do you have to lose?

Contact IMS today and book your FREE iSeries Security Audit with or without the additional half day site survey.