Intelligence is the ability to adapt to change

Like many we mourn the recent death of the brilliant theoretical physicist Stephen Hawking. Few people emerge from the fields of cosmology and theoretical physics with the sort of name recognition equal to that of a celebrity athlete or actor, but that’s exactly what’s happened with Stephen Hawking. Most Stephen Hawking fans don’t even know

Making Best Use of IMS Premium Support

Did you know that your designated contact could ring our support desk with iSeries related questions at any time, and at no additional cost to you? Are you aware that as a valued premium support customer our team are there to help you with any headache, even those areas where you feel you are muddling

Security in Internet Facing Environments

Connection to the external network exposes an organisation’s external-facing services to a larger and untrusted network, usually the Internet. This always has security implications. Any service provided to users on the external network can be a security risk. The most common of these services are Web servers, Mail servers, FTP servers and VoIP servers but

Manufacturing — Britain is Going for Gold

Manufacturing is a wealth-producing sector of the UK economy. As such, effective manufacturing companies are critical to national economic stability. For manufacturers aiming to be competitive keeping costs low and manufacturing in volume are both key considerations. Within manufacturing ERP is used to plan the ordering of materials and other resources, set manufacturing schedules, and

Streamline Operations to increase profit,

In an ever more competitive market, most manufacturing and distribution companies have recognised the need to streamline operations in order to increase profit, and this includes consideration of ways to reduce employee costs, while still maintaining quality services for clients.  Human resources management has also evolved to include different types of employment, including more part-time employees and contractors. iSeries