Condense, Optimise and Accelerate Outbound Document Driven Processes

Purchase orders, shipping documents and invoices are easily generated in the required formats and automatically delivered electronically to their destination. This can be done without the need for printing or scanning by transforming raw data from existing applications into business documents ready for production and distribution via all kind of medium from print, to PDF, XML

VAT Changes 2015

 VAT: prompt payment discounts An amendment to VAT legislation on prompt payment discounts (PPD) will come into force in April 2015 to clearly align UK VAT legislation with EU VAT legislation. This will affect any VAT registered businesses that offer their customers a prompt payment discount. In the 2014 Budget this measure was announced to protect revenue by

Reduce costs with Automated  Workflow and Management

Standard business processes can become easier and less costly to execute and manage by using Document Management to electronically route documents, alert users of pending WorkFlow assignments and track progress step by step using WorkFlow. Businesses spend large amounts on storing, searching, and retrieving information from documents in a normal workday. Document WorkFlow provides business